Travel Vaccinations

In line with the vaccination transformation programme general practice will no longer be required to provide travel health services from 1st April 2022.

If travelling, you should access information on what vaccinations are required, together with malarial and safe travel advice at Home – Fit for Travel.  This website allows you to select your destination and then view the requirements for the destination before contacting the providers on the board website.

Four Travel Vaccines are available on the NHS (Typhoid, Hepatitis A, DPT and Cholera) at no direct cost.  Any other vaccinations will incur a cost to the patient as at present.

There is also a GGC webpage with information about the process

New Respiratory Screening Questions

The Scottish Government have introduced a set of screening questions that we must ask anyone who may need a face to face appointment. This will potentially lead to longer waiting times to get through on the phones. We thank you for your patience during this time. 

Please note that patients who already have an appointment at the practice booked before 13th of December will be asked these questions when they attend for the appointment.

As per the Scottish Governments ongoing guidance, all requests to see a GP will be initially assessed remotely. Thank you for your ongoing patience at this difficult time.