Bank Holiday – Monday September 28th

The practice will be closed on Monday 28th September for the Bank Holiday, and will re-open on Tuesday 29th September.

Please make sure you have ordered your prescriptions in advance.

Disruption to Service – Friday 7th August

We will be returning to our former premises within the Kirkintilloch Health and Care Centre on Friday the 7th of August. There will be disruption to service on this day while we relocate our equipment, staff and IT services.

Please avoid contacting the surgery on this day unless there is an urgent medical need. 
Thanks for your cooperation. 

May Bank Holidays

Due to the increase in workload as a result of COVID-19, the Scottish Government have asked GP practices to remain open on Friday 8th May (VE Day) and Monday 25th May this year. Phone lines will be open for the usual working hours, but please remember that you should only attend the surgery in person if you have been asked to do so by the Doctor or Nurse. 

We would ask that you only contact the surgery on the above dates if you have an urgent matter that cannot wait.  

Suspension of National Screening Programmes

Screening Programme

Due to increased pressure on medical services as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic, all screening programmes are currently suspended. This includes breast, aortic aneurysm, bowel and cervical screening. Once these services resume, you will receive a letter again from the Health Board advising you of this. Please note these programmes are organised from the Health Board directly and not from the practice. 

Good Friday and Easter Monday

Due to the increase in workload as a result of COVID-19, the Scottish Government have asked GP practices to remain open on Good Friday and Easter Monday this year. Phone lines will be open for the usual working hours, but please remember that you should only attend the surgery in person if you have been asked to do so by the Doctor or Nurse. 

We would ask that you only contact the surgery on the above dates if you have an urgent matter that cannot wait.  Thank you for your on going support in this matter. 

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) : Important Information

Updated on 26th May 2020.

With immediate effect, DO NOT come to the surgery unless you have a booked appointment.  Always TELEPHONE the surgery or call NHS24 on 111 for advice first.

The following changes are now in place in our practice until further notice :

  • processing of travel forms will be suspended
  • the clinic held on a Wednesday morning at Twechar Healthy Living Centre will be suspended  
  • the drop-in clinic on Wednesday mornings at the surgery in Kirkintilloch will be suspended; instead all calls will be assessed by GPs to minimise the risk of spreading infection.
  • medical reports for insurance companies will not be prioritised to allow us to focus on supporting care. 

Cornonavirus has been confirmed as a pandemic by the World Health Organisation, and we all have a responsibility to try to minimise potential spread of the infection.

People with symptoms suggestive of coronavirus (COVID-19) – a fever or a new cough or loss of, or change in sense of smell or taste (anosmia) – should stay at home for seven days Scotland’s Chief Medical Officer has announced.

If you live with other people and have symptoms, they’ll need to stay at home for 14 days from the start of your symptoms even if they don’t have symptoms themselves.

If they develop symptoms within the 14 days, they need to stay at home for 7 days from the day their symptoms began. They should do this even if it takes them over the 14-day isolation period.

Phone NHS 24 on 111 if your symptoms:

  • are severe or you have shortness of breath
  • worsen during home isolation
  • have not improved after 7 days

You should also phone 111 if you develop breathlessness or it worsens, especially if you:

  • are 70 years old or over
  • have underlying poor health
  • have heart or lung problems
  • have a weakened immune system, including cancer
  • have diabetes

Guidance from Scottish Government and the Health Board regarding Coronavirus is constantly being updated as the situation evolves. To prepare for this, we will not be booking any routine appointments with GP’s or nurses. This is to reduce the risk potentially spreading infection. If you have an immediate concern or feel you need to be seen, please call the surgery for advice first.  Our trained and trusted staff will take your details and ask the GP to call you back. If the doctor feels you need to be seen and it is appropriate for this to be in the surgery, they will arrange an appointment. 

If your concern is of a routine nature please call the surgery for advice. Please give as much information as you can to the reception staff to help us manage your concern. Make sure you give the correct contact number and have your phone beside you. The doctor will call your number; if you do not answer, we will leave a message requesting you to call back if you still wish to speak to us. 

The doctor may give you advice over the phone, arrange a video consultation if possible, ask you to email a photo on our secure NHS mail address for the doctor to review or arrange a face to face consultation if it is safe to do so. 

If you are given advice over the phone, the doctor may provide a prescription. This can be sent directly to the Pharmacy of your choice to avoid you having to make a visit to the practice. If you require a Fit Note, we can email this to you. 

If a video consultation is arranged, you will be given a web address to access. This allows the doctor to see and hear you and can be used for a number of conditions, such as rashes or other skin lesions.

If you are asked to email a photo to the doctor, you will be given our clinical email address. Once the doctor has received your photo, you will be called to discuss the management plan. Please be assured the web address is confidential and any photos sent here are deleted. 

If asked to attend the surgery, you will be advised to enter through the main (sliding doors) of the KHCC and report to the practice reception desk on the left hand side. The nurse or doctor will then come to take you through. They will be wearing PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) in the form of a plastic apron, gloves, mask and eye protection in line with current guidance. This is to protect ourselves as well as our patients. Please follow the doctor or nurse, trying not to touch doors or surfaces. Please use hand sanitizer which is available in the KHCC before and after your appointment. Please use a face covering if you possibly can.

If you have any immediate concerns or need urgent advice, do not hesitate to call us, NHS24 on 111, or in an emergency 999.


We thank you for your patience during this challenging time.

We will review this situation on a daily basis and update the website regularly as the situation develops.


Important Information if you think you may be affected

The new Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a new and emerging illness, which originated in Wuhan in China. Information about this is being updated regularly as more cases are identified so note this information may be reviewed. 

The virus is transferred from person to person with an incubation period (time it takes for symptoms to appear after contracting the infection) of between 2 and 14 days. It is very important that anyone who thinks they have symptoms is isolated as soon as possible to reduce the risk of spreading the virus further.

If you have a fever or a new cough or loss of, or change in sense of smell or taste (anosmia) call NHS 24 using the number 111 which has a dedicated helpline.

​If you attend the surgery and have the symptoms and travel history described as above, you will be put in an isolated room in the practice to prevent potential spread of infection and we will seek specialist advice.

Our reception staff will be asking patients when appointments are booked at the surgery whether they have travelled to any country affected by COVID 19 (Coronavirus) in the last 14 days. This will allow us to identify high risk patients and advise to isolate where appropriate to help reduce the risk of any potential spread of infection. You will be advised to stay at home until further expert advice has been obtained by practice staff.

Many thanks for your support and co-operation during this time. There is a dedicated Wuhan Coronavirus Helpline that you should call if you are worried and do not have symptoms but are looking for further advice on 0800 028 2816. This is open Monday to Friday from 8 am until 10 pm and on weekend from 9 am until 5 pm.

Further Information

The NHSInform web site has additional resources that you should familiarise yourself with

Travel Advice & Vaccinations Update

Due to increased demand for travel advice these forms will take up to 6 weeks to be processed. If you are travelling sooner than this you may need to use a commercial travel clinic service. This will ensure that you are more likely to be fully vaccinated before you depart to your destination, we advise you attend to arrange your appointment at least six weeks before you travel.

In line with current guidance, please note that there will be a £15 charge for private travel prescriptions we are asked to provide.

You can read more on our page on Travel Advice and Holiday Vaccinations.

Christmas Opening Hours

Please refer to the table below for dates when the practice will be closed over the Christmas and New Year holiday period.

Prescriptions : Please make sure you have sufficient medication to last over the holiday period. Prescriptions usually take 2 working days to process, therefore make sure that you order early to allow time for your request to be processed. For more information please see Prescription Requests.

From Monday 6th January, please refer to our usual Opening Times.